Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2014

Bosanski imigrant ubijen čekićem u USA

32 year-old Bosnian refugee Zemir Begic was beaten to death with hammers in South St. Louis late Saturday night. Three teens, 15, 16 and 17, were arrested. The teens beat Zemir Begic to death with hammers in St. Louis City.


Covjek se spasi iz ratom opustosene zemlje i dodje u obecanu zemlju. A tamo je opet nasilje svakodnevna pojava. Zato za mnoge medije ova tuzna prica i nije neka velika vijest. Nisam prevodio ovde prilozene tekstove, nego samo izvukao sustinu price. Inace je jedna tekst sa britanskog sajta Daily Mail, a drugi je posatavljen ne sajtu bosanske zajednice u St Louisu u Americi. (SK – Mostarski behar)


Banda maloljetnika je cekicem izudarala na smrt nedavno ozenjenog Zemira Begica u prisustvu njegove supruge nakon sto su prvo napali cekicima njegov automobil rano u nedjelju ujutro u naizgled slucajnom napadu.
Zemir Begić je isao kuci iz bara u St. Louisu, kada je grupa maloljetnika okruzila njegov automobil i pocela lupati po njemu.
32 godisnji Zemir je izisao iz auta i poceo vikati na maloljetnike koji su mu onda udarcima u glavu, trbuh i lice nanijeli smortonosne povrede.

Njegova supruga, Arijana Mujkanovic je rekla: "Posljednje sto je ucinio prije nego sto je zapravo umro, povukao me i stavio se ispred mene, u osnovi dajuci svoj zivot za mene." Odvezen je u univerzitetsku bolnicu St Louis, gdje je kasnije umro je od strasnih ozljeda.
Osumnjiceni su opisani kao skupina latino i crnih muskaraca od strane policije, ali sef policije Sam Dotson je  izjavio da napad nije bio rasno ili etnicki motiviran.
Dva maloljetnika su sada u pritvoru, a policija kaze da zna identitet treceg za kojeg sumnjaju da je bio ucesnik.

U nedelju vece je bosanska zajednica organizirala protest zbog ovog ubistva. Ucesnici su iznijeli sumnju da je Begic, koji je u SAD dosao 1996 ipak ubijen zato sto je Bosanac.

Begic je doselio u St Louis iz Arizone i tu se ozenio prije nekoliko mjeseci.

U St Louisu zivi oko 70.000 Bosanaca, sto je najveca takva zajednica izvan Bosne I Hercegovine. SK



Four teens beat St Louis motorist to death with hammers after he got out to confront them when they attacked his car


Zemir Begic, 32, was surrounded by a group of teens wielding hammers

The juveniles struck his car before Begic stepped out and was beaten

He suffered damage to his head, abdomen and face and was taken to St Louis University Hospital, where he later died 

Another passenger, Suad Nuranjkovic, 49, said he fled because he was afraid the teenagers were armed

St Louis police detained two in connection to the attack and were searching for two others

Police said Begic was not targeted for being Bosnian and did not say if there was a connection to unrest after Ferguson grand jury decision 



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Teenage suspects in custody after man killed with hammer in South City

stlbosnians November 30, 2014 News, Video No Comments

Two teenage suspects are in custody after a man was killed with hammer early Sunday morning in south St. Louis.

Zemir Begic, 32, was found unconscious with apparent injuries to his head, abdomen, face and mouth in the 4200 block of Itaska at 1:15 a.m. Police say Begic was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased.

Sun Nov 30 03:24:07 PST 2014

Spontaneous protest erupts after man beaten to death by group of juveniles

The violent death of a 32-year-old man beaten to death with a hammer by a group of teens sparked a spontaneous protest where demonstrators blocked traffic at Gravois and Itaska Sunday night in south St. Louis. view full article

According to police, Begic was in his vehicle when “several juveniles” approached his car and began damaging it. When Begic exited his vehicle the teenagers yelled and struck him with hammers.

Following the assault, the teenagers fled the scene on foot. A 15 and 16-year-old were located a short time later and placed in the custody of juvenile authorities.

The investigation is ongoing.


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