Montag, 1. Juni 2015

Putovanje Austrougarskom željeznicom 1912. godine.

Pruga od Sarajeva do Konjica puštena je u saobraćaj 1891. godine, pruga od Metkovića do Mostara 1885. godine, a ona od Mostara preko Rame do Ostrošca 1888. godine, a dalje do Konjica 1889. godine. Pruga je od Čapljine išla dalje prena Dubrovniku, Herceg Novom, a iz Trebinja preko Bileće čak do Podgorice. To je bio najjužniji krak željezničke pruge Austrougarske monarhije, koja je naše krajeve krajem devetnaestog vijeka saobraćajno spojila sa Evropom.

Koje države, koje gradove je spajala ta željeznica, na mapama i u tekstu u prilogu, objavljenom na Austroungarian train travel.

Austro Hungarian Empire Train Travel Times In 1912

The isochrone map of the Austro-Hungarian Empire railway network in 1912 is a thing of beauty. An isochrone map shows you far you can travel in a given amount of time.
ased on a map and research by Albrecht Penck, the colours in the map above simply show you how long (in hours) it would have taken a train traveler from Vienna to reach various parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1912.
And there, are a few interesting things to note.
Perhaps most notable of all is that it does little to tell you where the various nationalities lived in the Empire. Vienna had faster rail connections to Budapest, Cracow, Zagreb and Prague than it did to Innsbruck.
Geography obviously played a major role in where railways were built, but it’s fairly clear from the map above, that in 1912 railways were still being used to connect the country as a whole.
That said, the map also shows the problems facing Austro-Hungarian military planners in 1914. While the Empire had good rail links towards Germany, it took more than a full day to reach Sarajevo and roughly the same amount of time to reach its far eastern provinces.
Not good if you’re planning for a mobile war.

Isochrone Map: Austro-Hungarian Empire Railway Network 1912

Studying this map you can see that the travel time from Vienna to Budapest is less than 6 hours, to Cracow and Prague less than 8, Zagreb 10, Trieste 12, Innsbruck 14, Lviv 16, Chernivtsi 24 and Sarajevo 26. To Zara, Spalato, Cattaro and basically all of Dalmatia it takes longer than 32 hours from Vienna or you take a ship from Trieste or Fiume.
Here some of the details.
The cities bubbles do correlate with the 1910 population census however Prague, Budapest and Vienna are shown without their suburbs otherwise Vienna would dominate even more. Note, that urbanisation was in its infancy and a large part of the population was rural. I used Color Brewer 2.0 for the categories and ran out of automatic brewed colours, thus, I brutally added shades of indigo, violet and purple at the end. Finding a text colour and format for the city labels proved difficult, I am still not quite satisfied with them. If you are into maps and Danube Monarchy history, then may I suggest Rumpler and Seger’s Die Gesellschaft der Habsburgermonarchie im Kartenbild.

An earlier version of the Austro-Hungarian isochrone map mispositioned the towns Miskolc and Temesvár.

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